Mares' Tails, 2023, oil, 24” × 36”

Dune Grass, 2010, oil, 20” x 30”

Soft Light, 2010, oil, 14” x 24”

View from the Great Dune, 2009, oil, 28” x 32”

Autumn View, 2012, oil, 24” x 32”
Surf Avenue, Rehoboth, 2020, oil, 6” x 8”

Summer View, 2022, oil, 16” x 20”

Clouds over the Chesapeake, 2009, oil, 6” x 8”

Blue Crabs, 2014, oil, 14” x 18”

Clearing Sky, 2016, oil, 6” x 8”

Summer View, 2012, oil, 24” x 40”

Last Snow, 2009, oil, 20” x 30”

White House on the Bay, 2015, oil, 9” x 12”

Stormy Beach, 2010, oil, 6” x 8”

Midday Sun, 2010, oil, 10: x 16”

Fairweather Clouds, 2016, oil, 6” x 6”

Early Spring, 2016, oil, 10” x 10”

Overcast Day, 2014, oil, 8” x 8”

Lewes Beach, 2014, oil, 8” x 8”

Early Spring, 2012, oil, 24” x 26”

Eastern Shore, 2009. oil, 6” x 8”

Afternoon Shadows, 2016, oil, 8” x 8”

Beach House, 2020, oil, 10” x 10”

Purple Martin House, 2014, oil, 10” x 10”

East River, Manhattan Bridge, 2021, oil, 20” x 20”

House on the Corner, 2016, oil, 8” x 8”

Morning Light, 2020, oil, 10” x 10”

Chelsea Sunrise, 2014, oil, 6” x 6”

Chelsea in Winter, 2014, oil, 8” x 8”

Johnny-Jump-Ups, 2024 oil, 10” x 10"